They are among the largest operational facilities in Spain with a combined total capacity of 324 MWp, enough to supply more than 200,000 homes. The plants have already obtained all the permits to start operating, so they are already connected to the grid.
Olmedilla and Sabinar are part of a portfolio of projects in the province of Cuenca with a total capacity of more than 400 MWp. Eranovum, together with its international partners Noy Fund and Nofar Energy, has managed to allocate an investment of more than 300 million euros to develop and build this portfolio.
Both plants will avoid the emission of approximately 260,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere per year, a figure that will increase to 320,000 tonnes when the entire portfolio is commissioned in early 2023.
“Renewable energy production is one of the pillars of Eranovum’s value chain. Our mission is to drive the energy transition. In the three-year history of the Group, we have managed to build a portfolio that totals 565 MWp of capacity between Spain and Greece. In addition, we are analysing several opportunities in Southern Europe to achieve our goal of reaching 1.2 gigawatts of total installed capacity by 2025,” says José Luis Aguirre, partner and co-founder of the Eranovum Group.
Eranovum was founded in 2019 by José Luis Aguirre and Guy Shahar Yames, with the aim of facilitating and driving the energy transition.